La Vida Local - FAQ
Who is the right audience to apply for this? Can individuals apply to support their income?
- This is open to Latinx/Chicanx trouble-makers of all kinds including but not limited to brujxs, organizers, artists, health-care workers, community organizations, and Mijente members with projects that aim to build our collective power without the state.
- The initiative is not set up to support individuals or to supplement income. It is meant to support Latinx-led projects that bring in others and are focused on building ‘Sin el Estado’ and also work to benefit the broader community.
Can folks submit more than one proposal?
- Sure, we welcome more than one application from the same folks but we can’t guarantee that we’ll fund those multiple projects from the same person or group of people.
What is the time-frame? When would we let folks know if they got accepted?
- The deadline to apply is February 21st 2022.
How many projects will be awarded? Have we decided how many awards we’re going to give out?
- There isn’t any set amount of projects.
- It will depend on various factors including overall budget and amount projects apply for. Some proposals may receive $5,000, others $1000 or $500 – so that will be something we factor in.
Who’s making the decision on projects?
- It will be a committee of both Mijente staff and members.
How can folks get 1-on-1 support to think about their proposals and projects?
- Contact and write “La Vida Local Support” in the subject line. We’ll follow-up for one-on-one support.
Can we use the money to pay for guest speakers or workshop presenters if that is part of the project/proposal?
- Sure! If it’s part of getting the project off the ground then cool. Just make sure you explain that in your project and spending summary. We may have follow-up questions.
Click here to learn about previous projects and read below for some examples to spark your imagination!
- CSA programs(Community Supported Agriculture)
- Bike Co-ops
- Open source software development
- Tool shares/warehouses
- Clothing swaps
- Community gardens
- Sewing circles
- Screen printing Circles
- Food Cooperatives
- Doula Cooperatives
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