
Decolonizing Mutual Aid

Veralucia Mendoza, Mijente member, Queer Afro-Indigenous migrant from the deserts of Peru and one of the main organizers and founders of the amazing Mutual Aid efforts in Toledo, Ohio. She joins us to talk about the history of mutual aid, its current invaluable practice during Covid times and centers a decolonizing frame and practice of it.

Veralucia is committed to practicing Ancestral Futurism-imagining and creating better futures based on ancestral power, including our ancestors in the movement. This practice calls her to community organizing and disrupting culture.  You can follow Veralucia Mendoza on IG at @cala_verita, check out her TadX Toledo Toledo on YouTube. Follow and support Mutual Aid in Toledo on FB at Mutual Aid Toledo/Apoyo Mutuo Toledo.

Please share this practice with others!  This episode is part of La Cura’s Community Care Series which will include community organizers, artists, healers and leaders sharing their grounding practices and rituals with us as a way of building resilience together in this challenging moment globally.

Follow us at @lacurapodcast or email us at lacurapodcast@gmail.com, we want to hear from you!


La Cura


May 26, 2020

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